Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Blog Hop ~ Curriculum Week

 August is the start of the 4th Annual, Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop and I love seeing a peak into everyone else's homeschool so I thought I'd join in the fun.  This is my first ever "blog hop" type post though, so go easy on me.  Hope I don't screw it up too bad :) 

This week is Curriculum Week.  We actually just started back to school yesterday, so this is a good time for me to post our 2012-2013 plans.  All plans are subject to change of course ;), but I'm feeling pretty confident with most of them right now :).  I'm listing these with a few corny, at the front door, type pictures :).  We always did this picture at the beginning of the school year, as we walked to school.  It seems rather silly now since we just turned right around and went back inside LOL, but I've kept it up so that I always have a good reference point for their growth each year :).  

Aly, 10 years old

Geography, Bible, Art, Music & some Science: My Father's World, Exploring Countries and Cultures
General Language Arts/Grammar: Christian Light Education, Grade 5
Spelling: Spelling Power

Reading: Ummm...lots ;).  

Sav, 7 years old

Geography, Bible, Art, Music & some Science: My Father's World, Exploring Countries and Cultures
Language Arts/Grammar: First Language Lessons, Level 2

Reading: Ummm...lots ;).  

Mir, 4 years old

Preschool fun: My Father's World Preschool Package
Preschool Papers: Letter of the Week

 A few notes about these lists.  Aly & Sav are also going to be testing out Learning Language Arts through Literature and Life of Fred.  I didn't want to commit to them, but got them at a good price and really like the looks of them, so we're going to play with them this year to see how they go.  When it comes to the math, the girls love Math U See, but I don't think it's "sticking" as well as it should be, so I'm adding CLE to it.  Hoping to use CLE as the core with MUS as a conceptual supplement...we'll see.  Also, Mir goes to a wonderful co-op preschool 3 mornings a week, so her items will only truly be used 2 days/wk and in the afternoons if we're still working after her nap.  

I think that's it!!  Hope you've enjoyed looking at my list :).  Now I'm off to clean off my desk in the schoolroom so that it's presentable for next week's post :)


  1. Cute Blondies! We are all girls too!
    Happy Schooling!

  2. If you are interested in connecting with other Apologia users, check out the Apologia Blog Roll that I host here:


  3. Great plan and lovely girls you have! This is our first year, we are doing University Model schooling! and using A Beka books.. any tips?

    1. Oooh - We just have a new University Model school opening up here :). VERY intriguing concept! We honestly might have considered it if it wasn't out of the budget for 3 kids :(. We might still as we get into high school...just have to see. My only advice is to make a list of WHY you're doing this and hang it proudly so that you can look at it for inspiration on the days you're truly wondering WHY you're doing this :). Good luck!
